V neděli vyhrál prezidentské volby Alexander Stubb v dříve neutrálním Finsku…
Nakonec těsně porazil soupeře Pekku Havista s rozdílem kolem pouhých 3 % a zvítězil ve druhém kole voleb. Jako prezident převezme celkové vedení zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiky a bude tuto severskou zemi zastupovat v NATO.
FINLAND ELECTION/ Former Prime Minister Alexander Stubb wins presidential race
With the race run, it’s party time for Alexander Stubb and his team. He will be the next president of Finland. After speeches and thank yous from the stage, the president elect spent a lot of time thanking his family for supporting him through the decision to run. In the end, he beat rival Pekka Havisto by a slim margin, around 3 percent to win the runoff election.
Stubb will have a crucial role in shaping how Finland fits into the NATO alliance. Stubb bude hrát klíčovou roli při tom, jakým způsobem se Finsko začlení do aliance NATO. As president, he takes overall lead on foreign and security policy and represents the Nordic nation at NATO.
Autor: Redakce, 15.2.2024